3 Steps To Focus On Your Priorities

goal setting Nov 13, 2019

How’s your goal-getting going?! Last week, I asked you to write down your goals — and keep them visible. Today, we’re breaking down each goal into top monthly priorities.

STEP 1: Make a List

Grab a blank sheet of paper. Make a list of every step that goes into your goal (big and small that you can think of).

These are your action steps.

STEP 2: Schedule

Start scheduling your action steps on your calendar.

I like to spread out an entire blank 12-month calendar so I can see my entire year at a glance.

Put your deadline to reach your goal on the calendar FIRST.

Then start planning backwards.

I use a pencil (so I can erase) and schedule deadlines, benchmarks, events, projects — you name it.

Schedule EVERYTHING that goes into your goal. Every last tiny action step.

STEP 3: Choose Your Most Important Tasks For Each Month

Now that you have everything scheduled, take a step back and look at your whole year. How does it make you feel?

Keep rearranging your calendar until it feels DOABLE and EXCITING for you.

Now, narrow your focus into each individual month.

What are the TOP things you need to focus on (according to your calendar) in each month?

To help you get organized, I’m sharing this 12-month printable which is a two-page document with your entire year at a glance.

This document forces you to choose your most important tasks each month, so you’re consciously moving yourself forward toward your goal — and you’re writing them down!

I LOVE this document, and I’ve used it for years. It’s easy to lose focus as we get further into the year, so using this document keeps you on the right track. 

Remember, your monthly priorities should be directly aligned with your bigger annual goals!

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