3 Steps To Jumpstart Your Holiday Email Marketing

email marketing Sep 03, 2020

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It’s September, which means we are officially in HOLIDAY planning mode.

BUT if you’re already feeling behind in holiday planning, don’t worry - today, I’ll help you jumpstart your holiday planning in 3 simple steps -- all with email.


1 - Holiday shopping is going to start earlier

Like as in now. That means you need to start thinking and talking about the holidays like yesterday. But the next best time is NOW.

2- Most holiday shopping will be done online

Given how the entire year of 2020 has gone virtual, there’s no exception with Christmas. MOST Christmas shopping will be done online this year. So a question to ask yourself - is your local business ready for a more online shopping season? And what can you start doing now to prep for it?

3- Email will be the easiest way to be seen by your customer

Email marketing during the holidays is going to be the #1 WAY to get seen by your local customers. 

There will be a lot of NOISE on social media this holiday season.

If you struggle now with the algorithm and visibility on social media, imagine what it will be like when EVERY business ramps up their posting!

It will be easy to get missed.

One way to ensure people have a better chance of seeing your promotions is by getting in their inbox.

So how can you do that effectively?

How can you start planning an email marketing plan for the holidays?


1- Decide on your holiday promotions

What products or services are you going to push? What sales, bundles or discounts will you offer?

Look back at last year’s sales - what seemed to resonate with your customers?

What type of sales do your customers best respond to?

Maybe it's BOGO sales, free gifts, free shipping, percent off.

One way to find out what your customers want this holiday season is to ASK them. Hop on Instastory for a quick poll.

2- Add your email dates to the calendar

Your next step after you decide on your promotions is to put email dates on your calendar. What days will you email your customers about holiday sales?

If you think you’re sending too many emails, I want you to add a few more.

When you’re putting email dates on the calendar, consider a few important key dates like Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, Cyber Monday, and Giving Tuesday.

Also take a look at shipping deadlines with the postal service. What are the last dates for shipments in time for Christmas?

3- Start emailing your customers NOW

The final thing I want you to do to prep for your holiday email marketing is to start emailing your customers NOW.

If you’ve gone radio silent or you’re not consistent with emailing your customers, I want you to simply start now.

Email them on a weekly basis.

Share what’s new, share current promotions, give them value - give them reasons to open your emails now, and they’re more likely to open them during the holidays.

Start talking about your emails (and how awesome they are) on social media. Ask your followers if they're on your email list. If not, give them an incentive to join like a freebie or discount code.


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