Don't Hire Out Your Marketing... Yet!

instagram mindset Dec 23, 2020

FREE GUIDE: How To Grow Your Local Instagram Following

Have you been thinking about hiring out or delegating your social media?

Maybe you've considered hiring a virtual assistant or delegating to an intern or someone else on your team? Maybe you've even looked into agencies who could help?

Today, I want to talk about why that may not be the best thing for you to do -- yet.

 In this video, you'll learn:

  • The #1 problem with letting someone else takeover your social media
  • How you can prepare now to hand your social media off later
  • How to get the best results when working with a social media manager

It doesn't matter if you're a new business or you've been in business for years - I always recommend that you, the business owner do your own marketing FIRST.

Press play and learn why!

p.s. Want to access the first three trainings inside The Localpreneur Bootcamp -- for FREE?? The doors open on January 5. As my holiday gift to you, everyone on the waitlist will get limited time access to these trainings! Add your email to the waitlist here.

How To Grow Your Local Instagram Following

You have something amazing to offer and share with your local community. Now, let's focus on finding your people. Get my 4-step system you can implement within minutes to find and reach your local customers.