How Hiring Can Help You Reach Your Goals

goal setting productivity Nov 13, 2019

I know you’re a badass and can do ALL the things — but you don’t have to. You’re here because you have big goals for your business, and even if growing your team isn’t an exact goal you have, it may be beneficial to help you reach bigger goals.

“But I CAN’T afford to hire anyone!”

You might think you can’t afford to hire someone, but I’m saying YES you can! In fact, you can hire or outsource work for as low as what you’d pay for a fancy coffee. SERIOUSLY!

You can hire an hourly virtual assistant or contract out someone for a set fee each month. You can even use websites like Fiverrfor quick freelance services. They get their name from projects starting at only $5.

I have no doubt you can afford to hire — whether by contract, virtually, or an hourly.

Hiring is an investment that you WILL have a return on… if you’re focusing on the right parts of your business.

So let’s get specific and check out three ways hiring can help you reach your business goals below:

1- Free Up Your Time So You Can Grow

You’re setting goals, so that means you’re growing. But one thing that prevents you from growing is getting bogged down in the daily tasks of running your business.

Hiring someone part-time, virtually, or hourly can help free up your time.

Hand off things that you CAN do, but should’t spend your valuable time doing.

Action Step: Make a list this week of everything you do on a daily basis. Then take a highlighter and highlight any and all tasks you could train someone else to do for you.

There’s a difference in growing your business and running your business. Make point to spend your time in growing your business.

In fact, many of my clients hire me to manage their social media accounts. Not because they can’t do it, but because it takes up A LOT of their valuable time!

2- Get Help With The Things You Can’t Do Well

We all have the things we’re good at…. and the things we’re not so good at.

I’m a firm believer in hiring your weaknesses. Meaning find someone who’s good at what you’re bad at.

Not only does this helps us grow and achieve our goals, but it speeds up the process!

Think of how much time you waste trying to figure out how to do something you’re not good at! Think of all the things you give up on completely because you can’t get over the obstacle of not knowing how.

You  have two options — spend your valuable time to learn how or hire someone who can help you quickly.

This hire can be ongoing (like hiring a monthly photographer or social media manger) OR a one-time hire to help you solve a specific problem (like building a website, designing a logo, etc).

I have clients who hire me specifically in their weak areas like designing email newsletters or copywriting. All these things will SLOW them down, but they’ve hired me to get it DONE, so they can move forward to bigger things!

3- Employees Hold you Accountable

If you’re not doing your job, they can’t do theirs.

A new hire doesn’t come in thinking they’re your accountabilty partner, but they really are!

Because here’s the thing… you’re doing a job to make sure they have a job to do. You’re setting up effective systems for them. You’re working towards something to give them something to work towards.

I can’t tell you how many times I would have let something fall through the cracks or put it on the back-burner if I wouldn’t have had an assistant hold me accountable.

4- Get Advice, Encouragement and Direction

If you’re lucky, you’ll get a rockstar employee that comes with ALL the ideas. But for this I’m talking more specifically about hiring someone whose main job is to coach you toward your goals.

This could be a business coach, life coach, consultant or financial advisor. It’s just like hiring a personal trainer to help you reach your fitness goals, but this one is ALL business!

I have clients who hire me for both monthly online marketing coaching and consulting.

I also host one-hour coffee dates where you’re free to pick my brain — and of course I give you ALL the encouragement, advice and direction.

I also share free weekly content (and encouragement!) in my email newsletter, so get on the list here!

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