Have your most profitable Black Friday, Cyber Week and holiday season yet!

Join us Thursday, October 26 + Tuesday, October 31 at 12PM CT for this two-part workshop.

A replay will be available


It's easy to believe that clients are spending their money on gifts this time of year... and not on you.

A big mistake I see service-based local business owners make this time of year is going quiet online.

They don't believe that clients want to spend money on their own health, business, home, wellness, happiness or themselves in any way during the holidays. They think it's all going to gift giving and retailers.

But this isn't true. You can continue to make sales and have the most profitable quarter during the holidays.

Join Leslie for this special workshop inside The Localpreneur Academy where you'll learn her 5-part process to promote your services during the holiday season, plus how to generate even more revenue November - December.

Decide Your Irresistible Offer

What's the special offer that your audience can't pass up this season? Learn 5 specific promos that are proven to create more local clients and a cash injection this holiday season. 

Map Out Your Holiday Promotions

Get your entire holiday marketing plan on paper and make your sales goal inevitable.

Create Your Content

Mark all your content creation off your to-do list WAY ahead of time. We'll create all your holiday promotions together -- and you'll get real-time feedback to optimize your content.

Here's a peek at what we'll do together to ensure you have your best Black Friday yet!

I'll walk you through my simple 5-part process...


This workshop free inside The Localpreneur Academy.

You must be a member to attend this bonus workshop or access the replay.


What You'll Get Inside:

  • Instant access to the entire course + bonuses
  • Weekly LIVE business coaching calls
  • A private Facebook community
  • Monthly workshops and challenges - including this special Black Friday workshop
  • Lifetime Access