Are you clearly available to work with?

Oct 28, 2021

Join the only marketing program you'll ever need as a local business owner: The Localpreneur Bootcamp.

Do people know you're available for hire?

I know that's a simple question...

And your initial response is probably "YES. Of course they know I'm available to work with."

But I want you to do a double take and really think about your marketing for a second.

Do people really know you're available?

Do they know what all you're available for?

Do they know how to work with you?

If not, this could be why you don't have a steady stream of clients coming in yet... because people simply don't know they can work with you.

This is good awareness... and a simple fix.

You can self-audit and self-correct this.

When I audit local small businesses' marketing online, I see this sneaky mistake happen pretty commonly.

I recently had a strategy session with an interior designer where we audited her Instagram account.

Her feed was beautiful and she was clearly amazing at what she did.

But no one was reaching out to work with her.

With a closer look, we realized she wasn't making any offers.

She wasn't telling her followers to book with her.

She wasn't sharing any information on how to work with her or what that process looked like.

At that point, her feed had just become pretty pictures to look at.

I had a similar situation with one of my students inside The Localpreneur Bootcamp.

He was a photographer, but his audience didn't know he was available for hire either.

He freelanced for a local magazine, so people assumed he only worked for the magazine and that they couldn't hire him as their own photographer.

So how do you fix this?

You make offers regularly.

Tell people what you do, how you can help them and what that process looks like.

Tell them they can book work or buy with you.

Do a quick self audit:

When was the last time you TOLD people you were available?

When was the last time you asked people to buy from you?

If you're realizing you haven't been quite as clear as you thought, I have 3 steps for you to clearly make yourself available and turn on your virtual "open for business" sign.

1- Clearly tell people what you do in your Instagram bio

Sometimes we think people know what we do because we've said it once, twice or ten times before.

But I believe you can't tell people too much what you do.

Think about Geico commercials... how many times have they told us that fifteen minutes can save you 15% or more on car insurance? 

Start this process by being very clear in your bio about who you are, where you are and how you help people.

My photographer student updated his bio to include that he does portrait, editorial and commercial photographer.

Now, his potential clients know what type of photography they can hire him for.

2- Have a clear call to action

In your bio, tell people how to work with you.

The photographer could say "now booking fall sessions. Click the link in my bio to schedule" or "Email me to set up your next shoot"

It can be simple.

3- Tell people you're available in your captions

Are you telling people in your posts that they can work with you? Are you making offers regularly? Are you telling them to book or buy with you?

Again, we may think it's obvious that we're available but people don't always realize it.

Trust me. I see this happen so much.

People don't include information about HOW to work with them in their posts, so it just becomes another post to like and scroll on from.

This can be as easy as adding a sentence or two at the end of your caption with next steps.

Consider this your "OPEN FOR BUSINESS SIGN."

p.s. Ready to work together?

You can enroll now to The Localpreneur Bootcamp.

This is my 10-week program where you step into being THE local go-to in your industry and start attracting a steady stream of clients.

Our next group starts in January 2022.

BUT when you enroll now, you get instant access to the entire program.

You don't have to wait to start getting results.

Join the only marketing program you'll ever need as a local business owner: The Localpreneur Bootcamp.

p.s. there are also currently some pretty sweet bonuses available - but for a limited time only!

How To Grow Your Local Instagram Following

You have something amazing to offer and share with your local community. Now, let's focus on finding your people. Get my 4-step system you can implement within minutes to find and reach your local customers.