Becoming The Local Go-To

local marketing Jan 06, 2022

Our 5-Day Local Go-To Challenge kicks off inside our free Facebook group on Monday, January 10. Register here!

Becoming the local go-to is a mindset.

I specifically work with local small business owners from all over to help them become the local go-to in their industry with a steady stream of clients or customers.

We do that in 2 ways:

First, we focus their marketing

Second, we focus on their mindset.

I see so many business owners want to avoid the latter.

Years ago I too was all about the strategy to up level my marketing.

Just give me the strateigies... tell me what actions to take...

But I realized I couldn't out-action or out-perform where my current beliefs were about myself and my business.

I couldn't take all the action posting on social media, sending emails, and doing all the things... if that belief and self-image of myself as an expert and professional and best and leader in my industry wasn't there.

I realized if I just kept taking action without really expanding my belief in myself and what was possible, that I was going to keep getting the same results over and over.

Our brains give us this limit or our own personal glass ceiling, and it's our job to realize what that is and then to break through it.

So that’s why I wanted to kick off this new year with a blog that really shows you how important your mindset is when it comes to BECOMING the local go to.

What does it mean to be the local go-to?

My definition of being "the local go-to" is that it means you're the top choice for people in your industry in your community.

You're well-known locally for what you do.

When people think of your industry, they think of you.

So it's like being in the top of their minds.

People in your city know you, and they respect you.

You're a leader, a trailblazer, and an expert in your industry.

You lead the way.

You're very successful.

Even other people in your industry look up to you.

Now if you're reading this and there's a disconnect and you're thinking... well that's not me, then that's your work.

Start living into being this person.

Being The Local Go-To Is a State of Mind

It's a mindset.

It's your own self-image.

It's an identity you take on.... even before those results are there.

You have to do this work in order for the results to come.

What if you just decided to become the local go-to in your industry?

How would you start showing up?

How would you act?

What would you be thinking?

What would you be doing differently?

You get to decide to become the local go-to RIGHT NOW and start showing up and acting as if.

Then.. and only then do the results come.

You have to decide you're the local go-to first.

You have to start behaving and showing up that way.

Then the people in your local community will start also believing you're the local go to.

But it starts with you.

How I apply this work:

As you may know, I have been a local lifestyle blogger here in Baton Rouge for over 12 years.

I actually call myself Baton Rouge's go-to girl.

I just decided that.

I had the audacity to believe that's who I could be. So I lived into that. It's literally on my Instagram profile and website.

Through my blog people come to me to find what's going on the city. They can learn about cool people, businesses and things going on.

No one ever told me that I was the go-to person or the expert in this. I just decided that I was.

Then I lived into that identity.

Now people call me that because I called myself that first.

Believing that was the local go-to is what created consistency in my business.

It helped me so show up powerfully and like this bigger version of myself even before I had the results to prove I was any sort of local go-to.

But it made me take risks. It kept me in action until I started getting the results I wanted.

Now, I did this same thing when I started The Localpreneur Bootcamp and my coaching business.

I just decided that I would be the GO TO PERSON for local small business owners.

I decided there would be nothing else like it.

I took on the identity of being thought leader and I'm showing up as if.

Right now my coaching program has only existed for a little over a year.

But I'm already thinking of the next 10 years.

I believe so deeply that one day I will be a very well known expert in the industry for helping local business owners all over.

I'll be on stages and in big rooms, and thousands of empowered local business owners will be coming to me to be part of my community.

I had this vision when I started... when I had zero followers, zero Facebook group members, zero email subscribers, zero clients.

But I showed up in this mentality even when know one was paying attention.

I've practiced so much of taking myself out of my current circumstance, which may mean not the clients or revenue or engagement I want.

I showed up knowing I was planting seeds and living into this bigger version of myself.

I have to go through the beginning stages to get to that. I accepted the full journey.

That future self that is the GO TO person will thank this part of me for acting as if now.

Being the local go-to, top dog, CEO badass is a mindset.

It's how you think. It's how you FEEL.

Then you get to take action from that place to get the results you want in your business.

This is what we practice inside The Localpreneur Bootcamp.

We try on this identity as the local go-to and then we take action from that place.

We show up differently...more boldly and confidently.

We're willing to take risks and try new things because we have such a bigger vision for ourselves.

If you're ready to step into being the local go-to in your industry this year, then I want to invite you to a special 5-day challenge called The Local Go-To Challenge.

It's happening inside our Facebook group next week - January 10 - 14.

During this challenge, we'll dig deeper on this concept and start creating business that sets you up as the local top-choice.

Click here to register for this free event.

You'll be added to our Facebook group and my email list so you can get the daily reminders and workbooks.

2022 can be your biggest and most fun year ever.

You can step into exactly who you want to be RIGHT NOW to start getting the results in your business that you want.

So come join us for the 5-day Local Go-To Challenge!

How To Grow Your Local Instagram Following

You have something amazing to offer and share with your local community. Now, let's focus on finding your people. Get my 4-step system you can implement within minutes to find and reach your local customers.