How Kylee Doubled In Growth & Took Her Business Full-Time Through Imperfect Actions

Aug 24, 2021

Kylee DOUBLED in growth, left her full-time job and raised her prices TWICE.... in 10 weeks.

Oh, with an 8-month old baby at home. πŸ‘ΆπŸ»

She came into The Localpreneur Bootcamp thinking her results had to take a long time.

She expected a few marketing upgrades and to bring in a few new clients.

BUT little did she know that she'd get so clear in her message and confident in what she does that she'd blow her mind with her results.

Check out my video with Kylee to find out:

⭐️ How one small change attracted her dream local clients -- and brought in FOUR leads from one single Instagram post.

⭐️ How she allowed herself to take imperfect action during her baby's short nap time to speed up her results.

⭐️ How receiving support and accountability got her out of her own head and onto taking the next obvious step.

πŸ‘‰ Your results don’t have to take a long time either.

The Localpreneur Bootcamp is here to help you become the local go-to in your industry with a steady stream of clients.

I’ll teach you how to:

βœ… Position yourself as the local go-to in a way that not only sets you apart but puts you trailblazing ahead.

βœ… Attract raving local fans by speaking to and super serving them so that you're always their obvious top choice.

βœ… Show up and sell with compelling content online -- without it taking up all your time.

βœ… Amplify your message with a sustainable social media presence that strengthens relationships, establishes you as the local go-to and converts followers into clients.

βœ… Generate never-ending local leads so that you wake up each day with new customers, inquiries, bookings, followers and subscribers.

If you're ready, come join us inside The Localpreneur Bootcamp.

How To Grow Your Local Instagram Following

You have something amazing to offer and share with your local community. Now, let's focus on finding your people. Get my 4-step system you can implement within minutes to find and reach your local customers.